Wednesday, August 14, 2013


General facts about me: my twenties years are coming, I'm majoring pure Chemistry at ITB, I'm super comfortable in my own bed, and have hard times leaving it... I spend my life sleeping, doing stuff in the lab, being with the one I love and follow Jesus. Christian is not my religion, it's my lifestyle. I can be invisible if you want me to.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dear Particular Geek...,

There's a place that i know, it's not pretty there and few have ever goneif i show it to you now, will it make you run away?or will you stay, even if it hurts?even if i try to push you out, will you return?

like a diamond from black dustit's hard to know what can become If you give upso don't give up on me--Kelly Clarkson

I'm not perfect. I'm just lucky enough to have him by my side. When you know someone will still there accepting whoever you are, how ugly can you become, how bad your past is, you would know how I feel. I've been trying to write words for what I feel, but nothing can represent it. He's surely different from anyone I could imagine. Well, I guess it doesn't take a prince in white horse to make me feel this way. It only takes a skinny, quirky guy, that can't respond well to my feelings. It takes someone who is compeletely different from me and from everything I ever imagine. 

I remember times I got angry at him because he didn't response something I sincerely said well. I thought for a moment, he didn't care at all. Well, maybe he's not that good at dealing with girls. But then I remember the times he picked me up in the middle of the night because I said I'm really hungry. When he travelled so far to give me my forgotten stuffs. How he gladly accompanied me to watch movies though he said he hates movies. The times he is really tired but still listening to all my jabberish while taking me to dinner. Or when he get wet because he let me use his only umbrella. And when he buy me food when I'm sick. I realised, I don't need him to tell me he cares.

I always wanted to tell him that even though I can be so stupid sometimes, and do the same mistakes all over again, he would still be by my side. When I looked back, I didn't know how he put up with me all this time. I was selfish and self-centered, but he's still there.

Please don't give up on me 

"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." Bob Marley

Monday, August 13, 2012

Missed My Girls

Frankly, I'm the type of girl who had to tried out so hard to make friends with other girls. For me it's easier to befriended with boys rather than girls. This is true, because I've tried several times and failed. Since elementary, if I have girl bff, we would ended up fighting or eventually hating each other.

In high school I've told myself to make a distance between me and the girls. No, I'm not gonna tell you that I eventually have so many girl bff. Don't think that because it's hard for me to make a good relationship with girl bff, I have many boy bff. Actually, my bff is not that much, you can count it with your hand fingers.

But in my class, XII-IPA, the girls are nice. Okay, I had some problems with them, as usual. I'm not even in their group. However, girls are minority, only 9 girls in class, so we have to get along. All these past three years, there's so many things we've been through. I can't call them bff but they're not just friends. With them I spent most of my times.

Now that I've graduated, I never know how much I missed them all. We've been contacting each other via facebook, twitter, but we still miss each other.

it's me in the center and in the red shirt :D
Love y'all :*

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Quotes by me

If I have to choose whether I have to hurt someone or someone hurt me, I'll choose the second one, because  forgiving other people is easy, the hardest thing is forgiving yourself for hurting somebody else.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Movie Review -- A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)

Director: Brad Siberling
Writers: Robert Gordon (screenplay), Daniel Handler (books)
Casts: Jim Carrey, Jude Law, Meryl Streep, Emily Browning, Liam Aiken

I watched this as a child eight years ago. That is when I fell in love for Jim Carrey, Daniel Handler, and of course Lemony Snicket. Back then I didn't quite understand what's going on in the movie. So I watched it again, and again, and again. Yesterday I finished reading the whole 13 books and once more I watched the movie. Now I get it.

The story is commonly about three young children. The oldest is Violet Baudelaire (Emily Browning), fourteen years-old, Klaus Baudelaire (Liam Aiken), twelve years-old, and Sunny Baudelaire (Kara and Shelby Hoffman), still an infant. Violet loves to invent things, Klaus loves to read books and do research, while Sunny haS interest in biting because she has four sharp teeth.

The story begins when Mr. Poe, a banker and their parents' friend, told them that their house was perished in fire that killed both of their parents, left them as orphans with fortune. So the sent away to their, so told, closest relative, Count Olaf (Jim Carrey). It turns out that Count Olaf only wanted to steal their fortune. The bad luck three orphans trying to escape from the villain's plan, while Count Olaf seems to follow them everywhere they go.

When I watched this as a child, the movie is a bit scary for me because it is rather dark and I am a bit confused with the way Lemony Snicket (Jude Law), the narrator, the writer who investigate about the Baudelaires, tells the story.

But then things go crystal clear when I finished all 13 books of The Baudelaires Children. It is kind of dark. It contains mystery, a bit of gothic fiction, and lots of absurdist fiction in it. I'm nearly 20 now but I still love the books.

Now we discussed the movie. It is awesome with a big A! Jim Carrey totally rocks it! He was born to play Count Olaf. I'm really thankful to whatever revelation that Brad Siberling got so he casts Jim Carrey. And the other casts, it's just perfect. I just wish Klaus wear thick glasses, as it described in the books. But overall, it's still attached to the book.

The plot is totally different from the book, which is adapted from the three first book: Bad Beginning, Reptile Room, and Wide Window. It seems like Brad Siberling only wanted to filmed these three books, and then, finished. I get it, because not everybody can understand the book, because it's a bit complicated to enjoy, but I do. Plus, it was 13 books. It takes 3 movies or 4 to complete, unless the book is as popular as The Lord Of The Ring, Hunger Games, Narnia, etc, it will be so hard to make real.

Even though there are so many cut scenes, and changed scenes, but you can still enjoy the movie, whether you have read the book or not. This is a 2004 movie, but I'm sure it's enjoyable up until now.

So sit back, prepare your popcorn, and watch Jim Carrey rollin' :D

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Quotes of the day

"If we burn, you burn with us."-Katniss, Mockingjay