Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm single... and happy?

"I'm single and very happy." This is the most common sentence I read in people's statuses. There are so many ways to say it, "I don't need you", "I'm glad you outta my life" etc etc. But the question is, is the writer really happy when single? What do they mean by writing it?

I believe this for a very long time and I wanted to say this. There is two reasons why they wrote it:
1) Someone had a tough break up. To show it didn't affect them. To show that they can move on. The fact is, people who wrote status like that is hanging on a thread. More likely they said that to themselves.
2) They are not happy. They have been single for a long time and they wanted to meet someone, but they still don't meet anyone, and they are frustrated.

So the simple word is: People who say that they're single and happy are not happy. They are lonely, they are just trying to make themselves believe that they are happy.

I know it, because I've been through it. Writing statuses about single and happy, but I ended up realise that I'm just cheering up myself, but I'm really sad inside. So now I'm single, and happy, but I didn't write it on my status, because I don't need people to know that, when my own heart know it, it's enough. :)

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